A late start...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Greetings from "the land of the morning calm," (I've yet to learn if Koreans are familiar with the phrase 'the calm before the storm' and if they are what they're attempting to imply about their afternoons).

First thought not foremost I must apologize for my delay in creating this blog and putting up a first posting. Having found internet access immediately upon landing in Seoul, I was technologically able to create the blog some days ago. However, our orientation has kept me quite busy these past few days, leaving me with virtually no chance to concoct a decent title for this blog. As you can see, I've still yet to find anything terribly snappy, but I am open to suggestions. (Brandon was the wiser in this task and drafted his blog title -Grove On in Busan- weeks ahead of time).

To answer the initial questions everyone has for anybody who travels a long distance... yes I have some jetlag. I'm not hallucinating or waking up in strange places, however I find myself dead tired by 8p.m. each evening.

The food is plentiful if difficult to identify. More on this and spicy pickled cabbage later...

Speaking of which... it is dinner time and I must go and get while the getting is good.

--From the land of +9 GMT,
Tane S. Danger