Nobody, Nobody But You!

Friday, November 28, 2008

There is a horribly horrible song that is constantly playing all over Korea. Quite literally, I cannot go more than a block in the Nampo-dong downtown district without hearing this song blasting from street stands or stores. It is everywhere, all the time.

The song is "Nobody" by The Wonder Girls. The chorus basically repeats the word "Nobody" over and over. It's so bad that if I ever say the word "nobody" in class I can guarantee at least one if not a dozen of my students will start singing this song.

It's driving me nuts.

But to share some Korean culture with you, here is a video of the Wonder Girls performing their hit song, "Nobody." Enjoy...


Sam Kelly said...

aw, it's not THAT bad. i actually kind of like it. i would definitely dance to that at a club. but i guess hearing it over & over would be terrible. i can't say anything bad about those choreographed dance moves though...

here's a taste of tallahassee culture: i can't go anywhere (friends' homes, friends' cars, clubs, dance parties, my own house because of my roommate) without hearing this irritating number: