
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I've taken to correcting my students' posture in class. They hunch over their papers like child-laborers picking through coal. I have a thick wooden rod, a coffee table leg I believe, that I'll lightly poke into the curvature of their spines. Then I'll pull back on their shoulders, forcing them to sit up straight or be jabbed.

The amazing thing is that they all sigh in relief afterwords and thank me. Considering how long some of these kids are in school chairs in a day, all that hunching over is likely to shrink their size by age 30.

One strange repercussion though, I've found that the more students' postures I correct in a day, the more pain I feel in my own back.

Konglish vocabulary for the day: When using English to express how one holds his/her body, Koreans replace the word "posture," with "attitude."