December 24, 2008: the day I learned to fear zombies

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

At special points during the year, I've provided my students with prizes for winning a class contest or volunteering for a difficult task. The week of Christmas, I held team trivia competitions in each of my classes; winning teams received candy canes, a rare item in South Korea.

After one slightly rambunctious class on Christmas eve, I gave the winning team their candy and said goodbye to everyone. But the students did not leave. Instead about half of the 36 member class descended upon my desk, arms outstretched begging for "CANDY!"

At first I tried to laugh along with them, "What? Candy? You brought me some candy?" I kidded.

But they weren't laughing. They just kept crowding in grasping at my blue tote bag filled with sweets.

I was starting to feel a little uneasy and, in my sternest voice, proclaimed "No. Out of my classroom, NOW!"

Zero effect. The kids just kept coming. One started pounding his fists on the white board making the horrible sound of a battle drum.

It was then I realized for the first time why zombies are scary. In the past I'd thought zombies were a silly horror; why not just push them down or walk around them? But these students were just like the living dead, only their thirst was for sugar, not brains. With their arms out and their cries for "CANDY!" like moans, there was a fear that I could be eaten alive by mistake.

The only reason I'm here today to write this tale is that I relented and gave up candy to the masses. While they were distracted by their sugar injections I slipped out of the classroom and up to the teachers lounge before they could regroup and besiege me for seconds.


Claire said...

Haaaaahahahaha! Damn right Zombies are scary!!!!
