First Ten Minutes of New Semester

Monday, March 02, 2009

It's approximately 8:30a.m. Monday, March 2; the first morning of the new semester. I walked into the building about ten minutes ago and so far I've seen three cases of abuse that would make a Catholic school teacher cringe.

  • After climbing the stairs I looked back to see a female teacher wailing on a students' head with her hard-sided three ring binder
  • In the teacher's lounge, a male instructor with bad teeth slapped a kid's head with at least half his total force.
  • After I finally sat down I heard a light moaning and turned to see an older male teacher pulling a student by his ear and hair, apparently because the student forgot his name badge.


Unknown said...

Are they allowed to do that? That's really awful. I'm sorry, but you don't hit kids in the head, and being pulled around by your ears and head because you forgot your name badge? Will it make it magically appear on his lapel?

I know the US gets a lot of flack for having such poorly behaved students, but...I think people can be well behaved and not physically punished. And me and Supernanny are sticking to it!